Feature Events

Scholars/Artist in Residence Weekend

Welcoming Marilyn & Roger Price to TBE for a fundraiser weekend in memory of Marilyn’s brother, Rabbi Emeritus David S. Lieb, z”l.

Friday, November 22
7:00 p.m. Musical Shabbat Service
Friday’s Shabbat Service is Free & Open to All. This special Musical Shabbat includes a beautiful Torah reading from Parashat Chayei Sarah and inspirational storytelling d’var Torah by our guest artist, storyteller & puppeteer extraordinaire, Marilyn Price, sister of Rabbi David S. Lieb, z”l.

Saturday, November 23
9:00 a.m. Continental Breakfast at TBE
10:00 a.m. Out-of-the Box Shabbat Morning Service with teachings by Marilyn Price about blessings through stories
Saturday Morning is Free & Open to All

12:00 p.m. Lunch & Learn at TBE with Roger Price sharing lessons on the cross-section of science and Torah
Lunch & Learn $54/pp

7:00 p.m. Salon Program with Hors d’oeuvres, Cocktails, Havdalah, Performance, Desserts & Coffee at the Home of Bob Gold
Stories: Yours, Mine & Ours with Marilyn Price & Cantor Ilan
Saturday Salon Program $108/pp

Sunday, November 24
9:00 a.m. Bagels & Coffee at TBE
9:30 a.m. One-on-one Interview with author, Roger Price about his book When Judaism Meets Science
Author Program $18/pp

11:00 a.m. Puppet & Storyteller Performance at TBE by Marilyn Price
Free & Open to All
Reserve individual programs a la carte!
Reserve the whole weekend and save:

Further support TBE by becoming a Weekend Sponsor:
Sponsorship includes a 5 p.m. special Friday night dinner at the home of Gale & Eliot Swartz.

RSVP to Shoni for check and on-file charges, Venmo @TempleBethElSanPedro or pay online (online prices are higher to reflect the platform fees).

Ilan Davidson


Cantor Ilan Davidson has been pleasing audiences with his singing since before he could read. At age five, he began singing with his Cantor, Philip Moddel, and hasn’t shut up since. At ten, he made his Operatic debut with the Fullerton Civic Light Opera’s production of Bizet’s Carmen, as a street urchin. Since then, he has performed roles in opera and musical theatre, performing, directing, and producing world-class productions.

Among his many accomplishments, Cantor Davidson is also known as a contemporary Jewish songwriter and performer, having delighted audiences all over the world, including Israel and Lithuania with the soulful sounds of his music. His recordings, Stained Glass (1995) and In A Hanukkah Mood (2007) are collections of original and covered songs by himself and many contemporary Jewish artists. His most recent recording, God Is In This Place (2020), is a collection of original liturgical pieces for the Friday night Shabbat Service, commissioned and written in honor of his 25th Anniversary as the Cantor of Temple Beth El.

Cantor Davidson left the stage and in 1995 joined the Temple Beth El family, in San Pedro, where, in his nearly 30 years of service, he has brought many new programs and much enthusiasm to all he does. Coming from a long line of Cantors, it must have been Besheret for Cantor Davidson, although talented in all areas of musical performance, to finally settle down into his career as Hazzan for Temple Beth El in San Pedro, California. In 2007, Cantor Davidson founded a new foundation, KindredSPIRITS, producing an annual world humanitarian aid event. KindredSPIRITS premiered on June 5, 2008 at Walt Disney Concert Hall, adding that prestigious concert hall to the ever growing list of venues around the world, where Davidson has performed. During the 10 years of humanitarian events, Global KindredSPIRITS, Inc., as an official 501©3, raised awareness and close to $500,000 for its beneficiaries over the decade.
As a past president of the South Coast Interfaith Council, Ilan fought for tolerance and understanding of ALL faiths in a difficult climate. For the past 7 years, Cantor Davidson has been service as an LA County Commissioner, representing the 4th District on the Human Relations Commission, where he currently serves as President. Whether it is raising his voice for justice, Hazzanut, Pop, Opera, Musical Theatre, or folk music, Cantor Ilan Davidson shares his soul and genuine love in every note.

When asked about his finest accomplishment, Cantor Ilan invariably responds, “After all the great concerts, services, and roles, my finest role in life is that of husband to my beautiful wife, Jodi, and daddy to my gorgeous daughters, Jordan and Zoe.”

Office: (310) 833-2467 Ext. 106

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